
This Fake Bernie Sanders Meme Provides Deadly Instructions

May 10th 2016

A sinister meme by an anonymous creator, is trying to trick Bernie Sanders supporters into feeling the chemical burn.Fake Sanders glow stick memeDeviant Art - deviantart.com

The fake meme above — instructing people on the finer points of making blue glow sticks in support of Sanders — actually contained directions for making a chlorine bomb, Mic reported.

The meme, which even bears a false stamp of approval by the upstart Vermont senator's presidential campaign, has been circulating online in recent days. A DeviantArt user posted a warning about the meme, cautioning unwitting crafty-types not to make the "glowsticks."

"This is not how you [make] glowsticks," the post reads. "Instead, you're making a fucking homemade bomb."

The combination of chlorine tablets and isopropyl alcohol, combined in a sealed chamber (like an empty two liter bottle), indeed produces a pressure-induced explosion. The chlorine gas produced from the reaction can cause burning on the skin, in the eyes, nose, and throat, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

And while it may seem like a relatively low-risk high school lab experiment, there are plenty of cringe-inducing "chlorine and alcohol bomb gone wrong" videos floating around. It's not difficult, after all, to imagine how a slightly more grown up version of the Coke-and-Menthols volcano might go awry.

Here's a clip of one such creation posted to YouTube:

[h/t Mic]

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