
Rich People Are Using A Kind Of Creepy Method To Name Their Babies

April 21st 2016

Naming a child is one of the most exciting things for expectant parents. But nowadays some parents are paying top dollar for strangers to do it.

According to Bloomberg, parents are spending upwards of $29,000 to hire professionals to choose a name for their unborn child. These so-called baby-naming experts handpick a name that ensures your child will be a successful, popular, and fun person.

For example, a baby-naming agency in Switzerland charges exactly $29,000 to deliver the perfect baby name. The agency called Erfolgswelle spends two to three weeks concocting a high-end name for a new bundle of joy in addition to researching the name's history.

But if that's too pricey, you can pick up the book "The Baby Name Report Card: Beneficial and Harmful Baby Names," written by University of California, Los Angeles professor Albert Mehrabian. The book evaluates names based on how "popular-fun" and "ethical-caring" they are.

“I’ve seen parents do just incredible things with their poor children’s names because they were creative and thought they were going to be unique,” Mehrabian told Bloomberg. “If you are getting somebody who really knows the evidence, then I’ll say it's worth every penny, whether its $500 or $5,000. Believe me, you don’t want to name a child with an unattractive name and have them go through life and suffer the consequences.”

Also, you can book a consultation at New York’s My Name For Life, another baby-naming agency. For seven hundred dollars you can receive a personal in depth analysis on a baby name.

As crazy as this sounds, this is a trend that is not necessarily new. Parents in South Korea and India often consult others — specifically spiritual leaders — for advice on baby names for their children, according to Jezebel.

The "Freakonomics" theory.

The theory that there are names that make you more successful in life was also discussed in the the popular book "Freakonomics." In the book the authors analyzed the link between names and income, and they came up with a class-based theory of baby trends.

"Call it the 'trickle-down theory,'" Laura Watternberg from Baby Name Wizard explained on the site. "Baby names, they claimed, first catch on with high-income, highly educated families, then trickle down the socioeconomic ladder as aspirational [sic] parents copy the more privileged. In their words, 'It isn't famous people who drive the name game. It is the family just a few blocks over, the one with the bigger house and newer car.'"

Watternberg, however, points out that their "trickle-down" theory might not be correct. Nowadays, more people are rebelling against the idea of traditional and trending names. Instead they are seeking after names that are innovative and reflect their identity.

"The existence of a top 10 maintains the illusion of consensus, but it represents an ever-shrinking slice of the population," according to Watternberg. "Every name now represents its own subculture and worldview, and poorer parents aren't following in the steps of the wealthy. They're aggressively blazing their own trails."

[h/t Bloomberg]

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