
The Hilarious Places Bernie Sanders' Face Is Popping Up

February 10th 2016

When Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders first announced his candidacy eight months ago, few were familiar with the 74-year-old Vermont senator, whose name and face are now ubiquitous.

His famously zealous supporters have managed to turn Sanders' iconic look (glasses, tuft of white hair) into a marketable and shareable brand. And after he won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, Sanders declared that the "political revolution" he's called for was officially underway. Even the "establishment media" will have to take notice, he says, so expect to see a lot more of him in the coming months. That won't be hard, given all the unusual places his fans have begun to plaster his face in support of the self-described democratic socialist.

Here are 15 unconventional places where Sanders' face has popped up.

1. Permanently inked onto body parts

Bernie Sanders tattooTumblr - tumblr.com

2. Toast

Bernie Sanders toastFacebook - facebook.com

3. Lockers

Bernie Sanders lockerTumblr - tumblr.com


5. Valentine's Day cards

Bernie Sanders v-dayFacebook - facebook.com

6. Hot sauce

Bernie Sanders hot sauceFacebook - facebook.com

7. Puppets

Bernie Sanders puppetFacebook - facebook.com

8. Dolls

Bernie Sanders dollFacebook - facebook.com

9. Cookies

Bernie Sanders cookiesTumblr - tumblr.com

10. Vinyl laptop decals

Bernie Sanders decalFacebook - facebook.com

11. Coffee mugs

Bernie Sanders coffee mugFacebook - facebook.com

12. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

Bernie's YearningTwitter - twitter.com

13. Wallets

Bernie Sanders walletFacebook - facebook.com

14. Underwear

Bernie Sanders underwearFacebook - facebook.com

15. Lighters

Bernie Sanders lighterFacebook - facebook.com

You can even meet the Babies for Bernie, check out this ATTN: video:


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