
After Martin Shkreli Promises Decrease, Daraprim Price Still Up 5000%

October 7th 2015

Not much has changed since Turing Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli came under fire after raising the price of Daraprim, a drug that treats life-threatening parasitic infections and helps AIDS and cancer patients, from $13.50 per tablet to $750.

The backlash the company faced over the price hike led Shkreli to announce that he would lower the price in an interview with ABC News. Two weeks after Shkreli's announcement, the price of Daraprim has yet to be lowered.

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"We've agreed to lower the price of Daraprim to a point that is more affordable and is able to allow the company to make a profit, but a very small profit," the former hedge fund manager said. "We think these changes will be welcomed."

Considering the fact that the internet collectively revolted against Shkreli following the news about his company's role in the 5,000 percent price hike, he's probably right that the change would be welcome. Still, it hasn't happened.

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A writer for Business Insider checked in with her pharmacy to confirm and found that a "30-day, 30-pill supply of Daraprim would cost me $27,006 at my local pharmacy."

"That boils down to about $900 a pill, which includes the wholesale cost, along with specific pharmacy fees based on the zip code I gave the pharmacy," Business Insider wrote. "So while the price of the drug hasn't gotten any higher since Shkreli hiked it 5,000 percent, it hasn't gotten any lower since he promised to reduce it either."

DaraprimTumblr/Currents in Biology - tumblr.com

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The controversy surrounding Daraprim has launched the country into a conversation about pharmaceutical pricing, calling attention to other examples of drug companies raising the price of lifesaving medications, as ATTN: previously reported.

ATTN: reached out to Turing for comment, but a representative for the company could not be reached by the time of publication.

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