
Commenters Share Their ACA Stories With President Obama

June 22nd 2017

Shortly after the Senate released their draft of the American Health Care Act, meant to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, former President Obama responded to the bill in a long Facebook post.

Calling the Republican bill "a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America," Obama touted what he considered to be evidence of the ACA's success. including the slowing of increases in health care costs, expanded coverage of preventive care, banning of pre-existing condition exclusions, and the ability of young people to stay on their parents' insurance longer.

He also asked Republicans to put aside partisan differences and remember why they entered public service, warning that "small tweaks" done to satisfy individual Senators "cannot change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation."

Obama's Facebook post made a huge impression, drawing well over 7,000 comments in just the first hour it was up. While many came from those thrilled that the former president was responding to a crisis with more than a tweet, others took the time to describe the benefits the ACA had on their lives, and on the health care of their loved ones. 

Person after person shared their story of what the Affordable Care Act had done for them, and thanked him for helping to make it possible to get insurance even with pre-existing conditions.

The future of pre-existing conditions isn't clear right now. 


It's notable that so many people were commenting about pre-existing changes, because that's one of the more significant changes that could be made under the AHCA. 

Obamacare's regulations called for a "community rating," which according to is "a rule that prevents health insurers from varying premiums within a geographic area based on age, gender, health status or other factors." In layman's terms, this means that insurers can't drive up the prices on people with pre-existing conditions, or otherwise bar them from getting coverage. 

Under AHCA, those protections would still exist, but they'd be weakened by a major loophole. That's because insurers could get a waiver that required them to cover so-called "essential health benefits," which are "a set of 10 categories of services health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable Care Act," according to

As CNN reported on Thursday, the waiver would "allow insurers to offer less comprehensive policies, so those with pre-existing conditions may not have all of their treatments covered."

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