
NYPD Officers Punch Unarmed Teen After He Surrenders with Hands Up

October 9th 2014

In the latest series of depraved police actions, two New York City cops are now under investigation for punching a 16-year-old in the face for selling marijuana after he had his arms up in surrender.

The suspect, Kahreem Tribble, was charged with marijuana possession and pleaded guilty. He emerged from arraignment with cracked teeth, bruises, and bleeding from the mouth as a result of the excessive force used against him.

The commissioner of the NYPD, William Bratton, is reportedly "embarrassed." This video is here:

This comes on the heels of a black teenager in North Carolina who was recently pepper sprayed in his own living room after cops believed he was an burglar. It turns out he was merely a foster child living with a white family.

Call it "WHFSWB" -- After Walking Home from School While Black, DeShawn Currie was labeled an intruder by an unscrupulous neighbor who called the police. When the police arrived, Currie said, ""They was like, 'Put your hands on the door,'" "I was like, 'For what? This is my house.' I was like, 'Why are y'all in here?'"

Shortly after, police (who couldn't seem to fathom a black foster child living with a white family) pepper sprayed him in the face after he argued with them. 

The Wake County Police, naturally, defended their actions, calling Currie belligerent. 

Recently, in neighboring South Carolina, a white police officer was just fired for pulling over an unarmed black man at a gas station, demanding his driver's license, and then shooting the suspect in the hip for no apparent reason. 

The full video and story are here