
President Donald Trump Drops the Paris Agreement

June 1st 2017

President Donald Trump is withdrawing from an international climate agreement on Thursday, reneging on the United State's commitment to drive down carbon emissions, multiple sources confirmed Thursday.

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The 2015 Paris Agreement, which has been signed by every country in the world except Syria and Nicaragua, is considered a keystone of global climate policy and is supported by about 70 percent of Americans as well as numerous corporations such as Google and Exxon. Signatories pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with climate change over ten years.

Trump's decision to withdraw from the agreement has been met with criticism from environmentalists concerned about the long-term impact on climate change and lawmakers who worry that withdrawing from the deal could hurt the country's negotiating power on the international stage. Several of Trump's closest advisors, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his daughter Ivanka Trump, have cautioned against scraping the agreement, CNN reported.

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Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, who leads the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican City, told a Rome newspaper that maintaining the U.S. dependence on coal and oil is like "saying that the earth is not round."

But attempts to dissuade Trump were unsuccessful. After promoting his announcement on Twitter, he is ultimately delivering on his campaign promise to withdraw on Thursday.

Though the decision to withdraw is unsurprising given Trump's skepticism toward climate change — which he described as a "hoax" invented by the Chinese in 2012 — his reasoning for abandoning the agreement is unfounded, John Coequyt, global climate policy director at the Sierra Club, told ATTN:.

Trump claims that the Paris Agreement is a "job killer" that hurts workers in the coal industry, but that ignores the reality that "the future of jobs in the energy sector in the United States is in clean tech," Coequyt said.

"Focusing on that and fostering those industries so that they can thrive in the U.S. and we can export the products to the rest of the world should be the focus of the president now," he explained. "Looking backwards, subsidizing the existing coal fleet, is no way to run a country — but that is what they're fixated on."