
Why the Internet Is Telling Colin Kaepernick 'You Are Welcome' Today

September 19th 2016

Twitter isn't for everyone.

it's time to stop postingKnow Your Meme - knowyourmeme.com

Our latest reminder comes from New York Congressman Lee Zeldin.

Lee ZeldinLee Zeldin - house.gov

The Tweet

After hearing about the arrest of Ahmad Khan Rahami, who is suspected in a series of bombings in New York City and New Jersey over the weekend, Zeldin dropped this puzzler:

This prompted an almost immediate response of, "...what?"

The general interpretation of this tweet is that Zeldin is calling out Kaepernick because he believes Kaepernick is anti-police (because of his protest). Zeldin is asserting that were it not for police we wouldn't have apprehended this suspect, and Kaepernick should be thankful.

Which many Twitter users pointed out also didn't make sense:

A meme was born

Twitter users from all walks of life found the allure of thanking Colin Kaepernick for similar random life events far too great to pass up.

Zeldin found himself caught in the social media cross-hairs not only because memes are fun, but because the logic of his original tweet merits a swift debunking. You can appreciate the work done by police officers while still acknowledging that police brutality exists and must be addressed for America to be as great as it's staunchest defenders claim it to be.

President Barack Obama made this point in a July Facebook post, following the killings of Alton Sterling and Phillando Castille at the hands of police officers.

“To admit we've got a serious problem in no way contradicts our respect and appreciation for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day. It is to say that, as a nation, we can and must do better to institute the best practices that reduce the appearance or reality of racial bias in law enforcement.”

Earlier this morning Zeldin caused similar confusion when he tweeted "We don't live in Rainbowland ..." suggesting that when it comes to accurately summing up a situation in 140 characters or less, Zeldin is probably not your guy.

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