
Elizabeth Warren Exposes Donald Trump's Business Record

July 17th 2016

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attempted to call out Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for fraud on Twitter Sunday morning, suggesting that it would make his campaign easier if she were to become presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's running mate.

But the Democratic senator fired back. Warren blasted Trump's business record one tweet at a time in a frenzy of posts that focused on the ongoing allegations against Trump University.

Why is Warren attacking Trump on Trump University?

There are three separate cases pending against Trump U., representing the interests of thousands of former Trump U. students.

Two federal class-action suits have been filed in California by former students. A state suit, People v. Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC, is also moving forward in New York, where the state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has made his views particularly clear.

"It's fraud. This is straight up fraud," Schneiderman told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" back in June. "The law is very clear. The law protects [the] gullible as well as the sophisticated. As we've seen over the course of the last year, there are a lot of people who fall for Mr. Trump's promises and rhetoric."

The New York attorney general also repeatedly described Trump as dishonest in reference to the Manhattan businessman's role in the now defunct operation.

Trump and his lawyers have repeatedly denied the suits' allegations, arguing in part that complaints "emanated from a small number of former students and ... the vast majority had offered positive reviews of their experience," The New York Times reported.

Beyond exposing the fraud allegations against Trump, Warren also referenced what she argued was the Trump campaign's sexism.

Warren tweeted that a woman could earn "a good job on her own" without resorting to underhanded tactics – referring to Trump's suggestion that she had committed fraud.

Then she finished by calling him out as a bully.

After her similar Twitter attack Saturday on Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, it's clear that Warren is on the offense against the Trump-Pence campaign. And she isn't mincing words.

RELATED:The Newest Revelation in the Trump University Scandal

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