
#GrowingUpWithMyName Illustrates the Struggle of People With Foreign-Sounding Names

June 29th 2016

The viral Twitter hashtag #GrowingUpWithMyName captures the very real struggle that comes with possessing certain names.

Twitter users are sharing the more offensive responses they receive from having an uncommon name, or in some cases, a foreign-sounding or non-white-sounding name.

Some accounts vary from merely ignorant to blatantly racist:

When confronted with name that confuses them, it seems that many people experience doubt:

School is an especially rough place for people with non-white-sounding names:

#GrowingUpWithMyName expresses why it's so difficult to have a name that's hard to spell out or pronounce correctly and why sometimes it's easier to just give up:

But when someone does get your name right, it's a moment to truly savor:

Having an uncommon, non-white-sounding name can have some unfortunate drawbacks.

According to a 2016 study cited by The Atlantic, "whitened" resumes, or resumes in which “foreign-sounding names” were changed to sound “more American,” were “twice as likely to get callbacks—a pattern that held even for companies that emphasized diversity.”

A previous 2004 study also discovered that having a white-sounding name was equivalent to about eight years of work experience.

So the veiled racism that the hashtag #GrowingUpWithMyName reveals truly affects individual's lives and livelihood.

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