
Group of Protesters Upstage Pro-Gun Mock Mass Shooting Demonstration

December 14th 2015

In order to keep the University of Texas gun-free, a group of protesters armed with fart guns and dildos disrupted a mock mass shooting organized by pro-gun advocacy groups, on Saturday.

University of Texas alumnus Andrew Dobbs and some 100 protestors staged their own demonstration called "Mass Farting," to mimic the mock mass shooting held by gun-rights activists who believe the importance of arming civilians during such tragedies.

As ATTN: previously reported pro-gun advocacy groups Come and Take It Texas and DontComply.com were organizers of the mock mass shooting which included actors, fake blood, cardboard guns and the sound of gunfire, to the dismay of Dobbs and other protesters.

"This isn't about guns necessarily," Dobbs said in a video captured by the Houston Chronicle. "This is about scaring our community. This is about a choice between fear and a little bit of good humor. We are in scary time right now and lots of scary things are happening and some people want us to be more afraid. I choose to believe that fear is not the solution to the threat of our time. That laughing in the face of fear is a courageous act and toting a gun everywhere you go, maybe not so much."

While some people suggested it would be safer to arm each other with guns, Dobbs absurdly said he'd arm himself with farts.

"When you come to my community, to the university that I love, and you threaten the lives of my friends, what I have to say is, 'I'm going to fart in your face!'" Dobbs added.

Dobbs and other protesters marched down Guadalupe Street in Austin shouting "Texas farts!" and "We fart in your general direction." By doing so protesters hoped to run into members of Come and Take It Texas and DontComply.com but never did, according to the Chronicle. By the time protestors came onto the scene, the mock mass shooting was already over.

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