
5 Images of Solidarity Prove the Unique American-French Bond

November 14th 2015

1. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the French people sent a strong message declaring "Today we're all American." 

French-honor-American-flag-after-911-attacksImgur - imgur.com

2. The French went so far as to construct a replica of the World Trade Center towers in front of the Eiffel Tower marked with the words "The French Will Never Forget."

French-will-never-forget-attacks-on-911Imgur - imgur.com

That image has now been flipped by Americans following the terror attacks in France to say "You did not forget us, we will not forget you."

You-did-not-forget-us-we-will-not-forget-youImgur - imgur.com

3. This image was trending on Imgur with the caption "We're with you, nos bon amis."

We-are-with-you-nos-bon-amisImgur - imgur.com

4. Many Americans shared this image of Lady Liberty with her arm around the Eiffel Tower.

Lady-Liberty-with-arm-around-Eiffel-TowerImgur - imgur.com

5. Other Americans sent a message of pure love, saying "Nos coeurs sont avec Paris" ("Our hearts are with you Paris").

Mostly though, Americans and citizens of the world shared the same message of love and support that was directed at France earlier this year following the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Countries-step-up-to-support-the-FrenchImgur - imgur.com