
Police Just Arrested Another Student for Making Racist Death Threats at Mizzou

November 11th 2015

A second 19-year-old Missouri student was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly posting threats against Black people on the social media app Yik Yak. While officials have not said whether or not the threats were connected to recent protests at the University of Missouri, the posts appeared to be related.

RELATED: Police Just Arrested This Man for Making Death Threats to Black Students at Mizzou

Northwest Missouri State University student Connor Stottlemyre was arrested in his dorm room around 11:00 AM on Wednesday after another student reported seeing an anonymous post on Yik Yak that stated "I'm gonna shoot any black people tomorrow, so be ready."

"Stottlemyre was held at the Nodaway County Jail on suspicion of making a terrorist threat," St. Louis Today reported. "He had not been charged late Wednesday."

On Wednesday morning, 19-year-old Hunter Park was arrested by University of Missouri police on suspicion of making threats against Black students on Yik Yak. Park, a student at the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri, was arrested for allegedly "making terrorist threats," and he was being held on $4,500 bond.

"I'm going to stand my ground tomorrow and shoot every black person I see," Park allegedly wrote.

Both incidents appear to be connected to protests at the University of Missouri, where school president Tom Wolfe was forced to resign on Monday amid growing racial tensions on campus.

Protests against racial injustice at universities have spread across the U.S. in recent weeks, with students arguing that administrators are not doing enough to address concerns about hostile campus climates.

RELATED: Why #BlackOnCampus Is Going Viral

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