
Kelly Clarkson Brilliantly Clapped Back at a Commenter Who Criticized Michelle Obama

July 26th 2016

Singer Kelly Clarkson came to first lady Michelle Obama's defense when a Twitter user criticized her for mentioning slavery in her Monday night speech at the Democratic National Convention.

"I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves," Obama said during her speech. "And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent black women, playing with their dogs on the White House lawn."

Though many people enjoyed Obama's speech, one Twitter user disliked that she brought up slavery in her address.

Clarkson shared this critical tweet, which has since been removed, alongside a counterpoint that slaves likely didn't enjoy forced labor:

Kelly Clarkson TwitterKelly Clarkson Twitter - twitter.com

Clarkson's response got a lot of love from followers:

Watch more of Obama's speech below:

[H/T Mic]

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